Workplace Bakra

He’s patted on the back, fed wholesome, decked with stuff, strolled around and then… Sacrificed. Can you identify someone here? Perhaps yourself. Where I feel sorry about this, there’s no soft way of breaking this news to you. Yes, you are the bakra- and that a renewable one, for each time you climb up the altar and are sacrificed, you revive back to kiss the altar again.

Work place exploitation is a routine phenomenon in our society. Employers, apparently an avatar of the deity derive the feeling of superiority and worthiness by feeding on their employees. Some common phrases they say without uttering anything are: ‘I pay you which makes you my slave ’, ‘Office pays you, but I own you’, ‘For your poor skills, what ever pennies are being paid by the office, you should work your sorry as* off to deserve it a little’, ‘with money in your account, you’ve lost the right to say ‘No’.’ ‘I’m not your boss; I’m your mother. I can insult you in front of the crowd, and dare you even shiver then’.

Ironically, employees are treated more like cogs in the machine; they are easily replaceable by the other at a much cheaper cost. Their services are weighed in space but the reward (the money) is weighed on earthly scales.

Some of the common ways of exploitation are:

1)      Come early but never say goodbye: If you’re even a second late than your appointed timings and that happens three times a month, you deserve a day’s salary waver. But when you are made to leave hours late or perhaps called on Sundays, then sorry, don’t feel high… that’s was your birth responsibility- so no big deal!

2)      Do your job and do mine as well: Do employees usually know that half the time they are cleaning up their boss’s mess? No. Well, some works are delegated to you as a part of your job and some in the name of ‘favors’- favors that are never returned: P

3)      Be my Punch bag: When the big boss cries mummy at your boss for his inefficiencies, your boss cannot gulp down water without breaking hell loose on you. What are you hired for? To be his stuff toy when he needs  someone for a violent catharsis.

4)      You’re a 24 hours slave: Your work only begins in the office – it never ends there. The more efficient you are, the more work you should carry home. The most efficient employee is one who works 25 hours every day.

5)      ‘NO’ should be a No in your dictionary: This bias is worst than any we’ve seen in the history een on racial or ethnic basis. Your employee-hood denies you the right to refuse. After you’re an employee, your head can only do a forward nod. Sideways? Sorry not allowed. An employee’s head can break but can’t move either left or right.

6)      You’re a human robot: Your only and lonely task is to work like a donki(I’m sure you understand). Even if you sly at your colleagues for a little catch up, haunting eyes from the head office will stare you to death.

 7)      Don’t Get a Life: Your employment letter is an official death certificate of your social life or life per se. With it ended everything, including your right over yourself and so to speak, your life. You’re humbly devoted to the endless, consuming tasks of the workplace and actually have no tasks on your own. Hey- does an employee use restroom or take shower or anything?

And where there’s so much more, let’s not dwell on our miseries for longer than this. Why talk about something we live everyday.

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