Ditch Mangoes for Lawn

There’s absolutely no hoax about the fact that summers are no longer famous for the juicy mangoes- thanks to the mushrooming lawn options – each one carrying a flashy designer label. All you can see around are huge billboard showcasing the prettiest of the faces draped in those sprightly colorful lawn designs.
 Gone are the days when people would shop only at Gul Ahmed and Al Karam for they were the only prestigious brands and being the ‘Gulahmed girl’ would mean a lot.

Now, however, the new age lawn-crazy world has opened this lucrative doorway for every other tom and Harry. There is also an adventure involved in visiting different lawn prints exhibitions and showrooms. But it becomes really hard to bring mind and money on selecting just one suit for 6000 onwards.

Shop from one place to another makes it even harder to decide, but we women by default are like this and love to roam around and see all what is available.
 For all men (including my husband), it remains a mystery as to where their wives will take them along. For men it is highly irritating as they want to get over with this shopping practice of their wives/sisters/families and want to restrict them to shop from one shop.

On the other hand, visiting every designer is considered a norm because it is a sign of embarrassment when group talks about different designers and finds out that you haven’t visited them. Besides this is another way to win an argument with your friends. It is true though our purchase pattern is highly influenced by peer group opinions, word of mouth advertisement and peer pressure.
 The advertisement pattern used by these designers is also awesome. They just grab our attention and with their unique ideas of promotions, simply surprise their audience. It is not always recommended to buy designers prints as those prints only look good when you make them as they are stitched for promotional purposes, I mainly try to copy the displayed design but still rarely it gives 100 percent same picture. But even then it doesn’t decrease my love for designer wears.

This weekend I also plan to visit few designers and might end up buying few prints for this

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