Lindsay Lohan Hides Under Table at Brazilian Nightclub: Photo

--> Lindsay Lohan Hides Under Table at Brazilian Nightclub: Photo
Some things never change.

Lindsay Lohan was in a Sao Paolo, Brazil, nightclub on Thursday to promote a clothing line, for which she was paid a reported $100,000 salary … but instead of performing her duties, she decided to hide under a table.

In a photo posted on Twitter, the rehab-bound actress can be seen sitting on a dirty floor under the DJ booth, which is strewn with what appears to be alcoholic beverages. Why? According to the person who took it, Lohan – who looks upset and has her hand on her forehead – didn't want to take photos with any of the fans in attendance, @orgastic_desire wrote in Portuguese.

[Related: Lindsay Lohan Goes to Jail ... on TV (Video)]

But she did hit the red carpet for the event in a black T-shirt bearing the clothing line's name, John John, and a silver sequined skirt. With the cameras on her, she blew kisses to the crowd and posed for photos … but once inside, her demeanor changed.

On the red carpet before party. (Splash News)
The 26-year-old arrived in the South American country earlier in the day on Thursday with a small entourage, including her new boyfriend, City of the Sun guitarist Avi Snow. It's unclear if he was with her at the club, but there is an unidentified male crouched down in front of her on the floor, perhaps trying to coax her out from under the table.

Lohan was also in Brazil with some bracelets that may not have belonged to her. In photos of her making her way through the airport after landing, a collection of sparkly bangles can be seen on her right wrist, the same ones she wore while filming Charlie Sheen's "Anger Management" this week. According to one report, it's unclear if the jewelry was given to her as gift after filming or if she just never returned them to wardrobe (a rep for the show did not immediately respond to omg!'s request for comment). If it's the latter, Lohan does have a history of sticky fingers. In 2011, she pled no contest to taking a $1,500 necklace from a Venice, California, boutique … a crime for which she remains on probation.

[Related: Lindsay Lohan Spends Her Week Clubbing ... But Was She Drinking Too?]

As for her upcoming 90 days in rehab, LiLo still has a little more partying to get under her belt before she checks in (she must enter by May 2). She reportedly is planning to attend the Coachella Music Festival in Indio, California, which kicks off on April 12.

Do you think it's a better idea for her to seek treatment sooner rather than later?


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