Pied Beauty

Two sparrows are resting at the tree. One is grey and another one is white, coming from two different rivers. Grey one says, my river is the most beautiful river and it goes to sea. White one is sure that grey one is lying because his river is the one that goes to sea. Now he assumes, all grey sparrows are like that. They both are into heated arguments.

An old wise skimmer was smilingly witnessing all this; he knew this sphere very well. Both Sparrows flew towards him asking confidently, which one is right. Old skimmer had a kind glance at them and asked politely white sparrow if he has ever flown the realm of grey sparrow and asked same question to grey sparrow. The response was same, “Never”. But both of them were sure they are right.

Their attitude drove skimmer little exasperated, he knew good attitude melts ignorance, while persistent ignorance nurtures selfishness that could leads to devastation. Concerning skimmer asks sparrows, are you really fascinated about river or interested in proving each other wrong. You don’t watch TV or films but still I could see you behaving like humans; obsessed with programmed judgment.

Just be true to yourself, be a bird, fly not because you have wings but to discover marvels which nature has kept it for you. This little tick off smote sparrows and tendered them. They felt highly indebted for valuable lesson and were all set to explore new realms. Skimmer addressed them last time before they left, “Remember sons, willingness, sincerity and respect are tonic for your soul in quest of knowledge”. Both sparrows flew together, spending life in discovering towns, cities, mountains, rivers, valleys and villages. The more they flew, the more they appreciated wise skimmer.

Perhaps sparrows’ analogy might help us to understand simple lessons of life. There could be different routes leading to one destiny. But ignorance dances when every traveler thinks that his way is the right way. It is not necessary the routes are wrong or right, be may be our perception. And, it could be very irrational and irresponsible act if we draw conclusion on the basis of personal whim. Inference without sincere study could be harmful and diving vigorously without knowing the depth of water might hurt anyone.

There is no point mentioning differences and start debate, nothing special in it. Any stupid could do it. But it takes really a character to understand the beauty of differences and respect it. Even, when individuals endeavor winning the argument emphatically, they often win the argument. But winning argument doesn’t necessarily yield goodwill, while people always tend to respect humble ones.

Difference leads to the unity. Just imagine, what if all opposite gender refuse to unite because they are different? How would this planet look like? The whole system would rush towards the brink of extinction. Apparently, it is amazing coordination and discipline of the countless beings that is running the affairs of the universe for billions of years. What if sea, river, tree start to just live for themselves, not allowing us to touch them, they wont do it because they love to be coordinated, but certainly not to be exploited. Human fanatically takes advantage to suit pompous purposes, polluting rivers, cutting trees, and all seems normal. But actually we are plundering nature, and she is too kind like a mother, always ready to tolerate misbehavior of its children.

But what happens if some cells refuse to coordinate with others and start rampaging human body, body appears scrawny, and the whole system is shattered soon, medical science identify it as cancer. Similarly, if some people would violate the simple laws of nature, curbing freedom of speech, impeding coordination and do whatever they like just to please their ego and to suit their purposes, would be great menace to the society, the more they grow in number, the more our society would get close to devastation.

Billions of us living in this world and billions had been before, and every one of us is different from another, yet similar. Have a look around the world; we find every creature is different from other in a uniquely aesthetic way. Mysterious artist has perfectly used myriad colors to paint the beautiful scenery, which we identify as nature. The nature whispers its diversity through dancing trees, flowing rivers, singing birds, athletic animals, festive fruits and joyful vegetables. This innate assortment appends grace and elegance to the loveliness of nature.

Interestingly, some ancient theology deemed human body as miniature universe. And it is really electrifying to deem cells as stars in the universe. Our incredible human body is excellent model of universal diversity, which is composed of many different systems biologically. Billions of cells working for systems and these cells have further numerous components, and these billions of different mini- beings forms one human being, and these billions of human beings have been functioning like mini-beings inside a gigantic universe.

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